Joint Annual Meeting SNS and SGNC | November 23-24, 2023


Registration is open for this year's joint annual meeting of the Swiss Neurological Society (SNS) and the Swiss Society of Neurosurgery (SGNC), November 23-24, 2023, in Zurich.Joint Annual Meeting SNS and SGNC | Nov. 23-24, 2023

The topics of the three plenary sessions will focus on: Cerebrovascular medicine, Neuro Oncology and Functional Neuromedicine. The scientific program will be complemented by Workshops, Parallel Sessions, Free Communications, Poster flash Presentations, ePoster, Joint Session SAYN / SYNS and the SAYN GemSession.

During the two-day annual meeting, the participating societies will discuss various topics with a common focus on the acute and post-acute phases: Neuro-Immunology, Concussion, Spine, Upcoming Clinical Trials, Neurosurgery Spine, Behavioural Neurology, Practice Neurology and WIN - Women in Neurology / Neurosurgery.

For more information, click here.