Altri premi

Qui di seguito trova una selezione di altri premi e borse di studio correlati all’ambito delle neuroscienze ma non conferiti dalla SSN.

Borsa di studio per la ricerca della Lega svizzera per il cervello

Nel 2025, la Lega svizzera per il cervello assegnerà a un giovane ricercatore o a una giovane ricercatrice una borsa di studio per una ricerca nel campo delle neuroscienze a titolo di fondo iniziale. L’obiettivo è sostenere qualsiasi ricerca sul cervello condotta in una clinica scientifica o in un istituto scientifico riconosciuti in Svizzera. Possono candidarsi alla borsa di studio le giovani e i giovani accademici che operano nel campo della medicina, della biologia, della psicologia, dell’informatica o in un ambito affine. Nel 2025 verrà premiata la ricerca clinica e traslazionale nel campo delle neuroscienze, in cui gli studi scientifici sui pazienti rappresentano un elemento importante.

Lo scopo è fondamentalmente quello di finanziare per un anno una dottoranda o un dottorando, a condizione che non disponga di altre risorse finanziarie. La remunerazione è in linea con i parametri del Fondo nazionale svizzero, che prevede un limite massimo annuo di CHF 60’000.–, assicurazioni sociali incluse.

La documentazione va trasmessa alla Lega svizzera per il cervello entro il 30.06.2024: infonoSpam@hirnliga.noSpamch

Il regolamento dettagliato può essere richiesto alla Lega svizzera per il cervello (infonoSpam@hirnliga.noSpamch) o scaricato dal sito web

Prezzo Franco Regli 2022 / 2023

The Franco Regli Foundation for Research in the Field of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Professor of Neurology Franco Regli created the Foundation with the aim of supporting and encouraging researchers in the field of neuroscience to advance the understanding and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

From this impulse, the Foundation has established a biennial prize to award the best scientific works in fundamental or clinical research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. The scientific jury evaluates according to criteria such as originality, innovativeness, and clinical relevance.

Application deadline is January, 20th 2024. Candidates are requested to send their scientific publication along with their CV and a list of publications to infonoSpam@fondationfrancoregli.noSpamch

Website, call for entries and further information can be found here

Premio Robert Bing

Il Premio Robert Bing della ASSM è indirizzato a giovani ricercatrici e ricercatori attivi nel settore delle neuroscienze. Il premio viene finanziato con il lascito del neurologo di Basilea Robert Bing (1878-1956) e, secondo le disposizioni testamentarie, ha il compito di rendere onore a quei lavori che si siano distinti per l’eccellenza nel campo della diagnosi, del trattamento o della cura delle malattie nervose.

Come deciso dal fondatore, il premio è destinato principalmente a ricercatrici e ricercatori svizzeri di età più giovane (fino a 45 anni). Il Premio Robert Bing, solitamente assegnato ogni due anni, prevede una somma di CHF 50’000.–.

Ulteriori informazioni e il link per l’iscrizione online sono disponibili qui.

Premio Eberhard Ketz

Il premio ammonta a CHF 10’000

e rappresenta un riconoscimento all’indirizzo di:

  • Un lavoro scientifico di ricerca clinica in neuroriabilitazione pubblicato negli ultimi due anni da parte di un organismo specialistico riconosciuto a livello internazionale.
  • Innovazioni tecniche o metodologiche nel campo della neuroriabilitazione oggetto di applicazione clinica negli ultimi due anni.
  • Un lavoro scientifico completo nel campo della neuroriabilitazione.

Le candidature, corredate di curriculum vitae ed elenco delle pubblicazioni (articoli originali sottoposti a peer review), devono essere presentate in quintuplice copia, incluse le edizioni separate, da indirizzare a:

Prof. Dr. R. Müri
Presidente della commissione del Premio Eberhard Ketz
Dipartimento di neurologia cognitiva e restaurativa
Clinica universitaria di neurologia, Inselspital
CH-3010 Berna

Epilepsy League awards

The Epilepsy League is inviting applications for three awards to be presented in 2023.

The Alfred Hauptmann Award for the best experimental or clinical research now comes with prize money of €20,000 – previously the amount was €10,000. Half the prize money will be awarded to the author of a basic research document that has been published, while the other half will be awarded in the field of clinical research. This has been made possible thanks to new sponsors: the award is now supported by the companies UCB-Pharma, Desitin Pharma, Arvelle/Angelini Pharma and GW/Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
The Alfred Hauptmann Award is presented every two years by the German and Austrian epileptology associations together with the Swiss Epilepsy League. It is named after the German neurologist Alfred Hauptmann, who had to emigrate from Germany in 1933.
More about the award:

A second award scheduled for next year is the Prize for Best Dissertation, which goes to the best master’s or doctoral thesis from a Swiss university in the field of epileptology and carries prize money of CHF 1,000. Applications are welcome from all disciplines. So as well as medical students, anyone writing a thesis in the field of epilepsy is invited to apply, for example students of psychology or pharmacology.

Further information in French

Finally, applications are also open for the 2023 Research Recognition Award, presented by the Swiss League Against Epilepsy with prize money of CHF 25,000. It is awarded annually to researchers working in Switzerland as start-up funding for research projects. Preference is given to those who are researching causes of and therapies for epilepsies.

Call for Applications

Neurology Research Grant of the Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation

The Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation offers a "Neurology Research Grant" to support high quality research on non-pharmacological treatment of symptoms experienced by patients with Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders performed in a research center in or related to Switzerland. 

The principal applicant must be in a position to carry out the research project under his or her own responsibility. The applicant must be able to show that he/she is employed at least 50% for the duration of the project at a research institution, with the necessary research infrastructure.

The funding period is 2 years, with a possible extension up to a maximum of 4 years. It includes any support of the research project, with the exception of the applicant's own salary.

Application deadline

The Neurology Scientific Advisory Board of JGGF is presided by Prof. Dr. med. Jean-Marc Burgunder.

You can find more information and the link to the online registration form 


IRP – International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia Research Grants

IRP – International Foundation for Research in Paraplegia invites applications in the field of Clinical Research relevant to human Spinal Cord Injuries

IRP Research Grants

Funds will be allocated up to 150,000 Swiss Francs for two years on the basis of scientific quality and relevance to paraplegia for clinical or clinically-related research proposals studying mechanisms of injury and repair, as well as long term recovery. Applications may involve patient care or theoretical studies related to recovery from paraplegia.

Applications from Junior groups are welcome.

IRP Postdoctoral Fellowship

IRP provides fellowships up to 80,000 Swiss Francs per year, up to two years to young scientists who are either from Switzerland and who want to join an outstanding laboratory or clinic abroad, or from abroad and who wish to work in Switzerland on clinical or clinically-related projects.

Deadline for applications: December 20, 2023

Applications for IRP Research Grants 2024 /2025 will be considered only for projects that are realized in Europe.

Please use the relevant form on our website to submit your application. For more information please send an email to researchnoSpam@irp.noSpamch.

IRP Genève
Rue François-Perréard 14
CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg

IRP Zürich
Neugasse 10
CH-8005 Zürich